How does the process for the Undiagnosed Conditions program differ from the standard Virtual Second Opinion process?
Individuals seeking Virtual Second Opinion services have typically received a diagnosis of their condition and are seeking a second opinion from Cedars-Sinai to confirm and obtain input on the prior diagnosis. Individuals seeking consideration to participate in the Undiagnosed Conditions program have a condition that others have not been able to diagnose and want to know if Cedars-Sinai may be able to assist with the diagnosis. Both processes involve review of your medical records. In a Virtual Second Opinion, your nurse coordinator can collect your medical records independently. With an Undiagnosed Conditions evaluation, you and your nurse coordinator will work together to collect and submit your medical records. This is because individuals with undiagnosed chronic conditions have often seen many doctors beforehand, which means we will need your help to track down and collect your records.
In a Virtual Second Opinion, we assign review of your records to a specialist based on your medical records and needs. With an Undiagnosed Conditions evaluation, your records will be reviewed and presented to the multi-disciplinary panel of physicians to consider whether Cedars-Sinai may be able to offer services to assist with understanding of your condition.
Participation in the Undiagnosed Condition program costs $1,200 if you live in California or $1,400 if you live outside California, versus the standard Virtual Second Opinion’s cost of $590 if you live in California or $790 if you live outside of California. The difference is due to higher costs involved in administering the Undiagnosed Condition program. However, if we determine that we are unlikely to be able to advance an understanding of your condition, and do not move forward with the Undiagnosed Condition process, a portion of the administrative fee will be refunded to you.